Welcome to Reflect
Founded in Taunton, Somerset Reflect is a specialist daytime support service for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Our focus is on high quality, one to one activities that develop awareness, communication skills and well being. Our commitment is to improve lives every day.
Our Service
Reflect is a service established by people with a passion for improving the lives of people who are too often overlooked by society.
We use a range of techniques including Intensive Interaction, sensory story telling, messy play, Rebound Therapy and musical interventions to build skills and improve awareness. We also ensure the people we work with experience the outdoors and increase opportunities to be part of the community they live in.
Day Services
A day spent with Reflect will be a day of activity, development, one to one focus and care. We spend time understanding the people we work with, recording their awareness, activity levels and the abilities they demonstrate. Then, over time and working on a one to one basis with familiar staff, we start to unlock their potential.
Intensive Interaction
Intensive Interaction is a practical technique that uses close focus on reflecting verbal and non verbal actions to understand and develop communication skills.
Sensory Storytelling
Using story telling to combine sensory experiences of sound, music, textures, light and imagery enables our customers to express themselves and develop deeper connections with the world around them.
Our People
Steve Jones - Director
Steve is former Head of Learning Disability Services for Somerset County Council. With decades of experience of developing and delivering services Steve knows what a good service looks like.
Cath Irvine - Director
Cath trained as a Speech and Language Therapist, but now specialises in Intensive Interaction. In recent years Cath has worked for a range or international organisations, supporting de-institutionalisation of some of the most deprived care homes in Europe and beyond.
Mark Blaker - Director
Mark is a Somerset parent carer who has held board roles on a number of charities and organisations providing support and services for disabled people and carers in the county.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm
Get in Touch
Contact: Steve 07907 949162
Cath 07581 750584
Mark 07445 009159
The Barn
Hestercombe Gardens